LBGLCC & Tmobile presents "How to get certified as an LGBT Business Enterprise"
The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (?NGLCC?) is working directly with national corporate
partner T-Mobile to establish mutually beneficial grant partnerships with NGLCC?s
California-based Affiliate Chambers. The purpose of the NGLCC/T-Mobile California Affiliate
Supplier Enhancement Project (ASEP) is to deliver an outreach and education program designed
to grow Certified LGBT Business Enterprise® (LGBTBE®) companies in the State of California.
Course 1: How to Get LGBTBE® Certified - LGBTBE® Certification 101
The LGBTBE® certification gives LGBT business owners a host of opportunities to enhance their
visibility with corporations seeking to do business with LGBT suppliers. LGBTBE® certification
allows business owners access to contracting opportunities with many Fortune 500 companies
and governmental entities. The LGBTBE® Certification can help you expand the scope of your
business through supplier diversity opportunities.
In this session, participants will learn more about the LGBTBE® certification and the importance
of the certification on both a local and national level as well as understand the steps to get
certified through the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). Learn more about how
you can connect to local and national opportunities through the LGBTBE® Certification, as well
as the role of a prime contractor versus a subcontractor and how to integrate your certification
into your overall business development strategy.
Please register w/ us as well as this link here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvcu2rqz8tH9bfq5uFnSeCMlD3TH7G-aqj
Date and Time
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PDT
Virtual - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvcu2rqz8tH9bfq5uFnSeCMlD3TH7G-aqj
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